Touch, Taste, and Colors

Pink velvet, a purple aster’s petals, and peach of sunset,

Vivid softness


A quilt, baby blue and white, pastel ink in a quill pen, and bright sun quelled to starlight

Quiet comfort


Ivory chenille bedspread, a pale green pressed cotton blouse, and printed poem on parchment pages

Summer champagne stories


Deep red dahlias, raspberry sherbet, and merlot, burgundy, earthy

High summer celebration


Beetle, blue, nostalgic, drive-in movie magic, and popcorn plenty

Top down night sky romance


Country roads, hills winding, vintage Corvette, gleaming red, fast, and wind in your hair

Speed savored sunshine


Kisses, cherry red, Saint-Saens’ Bacchanale, and a moonlight waltz

Love constant long lasting


Crow, inky, raucous, towhee, singing, spotted, and a chickadee, charming and cheerful

Blue sky solstice morning


Ice cream, pistachio or praline, cake, red velvet or lemon, and pie, blueberry or banana

Delicious birthday or anytime desserts


Looking for love

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