Can I Even Think of a Title?

I can’t seem to write for the life of me

What will i do, omgeeee!?

Whatever i write i delete right away

What the hell is my problem i just can’t say

Maybe a writer i’m not meant to be

Penning romance doesn’t work out at all

It’s the same kind of butt pain as going to the mall

Surrealism is my favorite kind of thing

To that kind of tale my imagination i bring

But here we are almost to winter from fall

I’m working on a mystery tale

But my red herrings bug me, like old bread they’re stale

Maybe i’ll put a body under the bed

Or how about a corpse in a bookcase instead

Maybe the vic should die from poisoned mushrooms and kale

Perhaps the culprit should be from Mars

And he’s hiding on Venus and haunting all the bars

Should the location be a super big city

Or a town on the seaside that’s pretty itty bitty

Should people drive hybrids or cool vintage cars

Maybe i need assignments like i had in school

But then i always rebel against a rule

I want to include a murder of crows

But humans sink to much deeper lows

And i tire of local police in mysteries who seem to act like fools

Or perhaps i’ll not write suspense at all

To write fabulism is always a ball

One thing is certain there’ll be at least one dog or cat

If i want to be spooky several rats or a bat

Or the thing i find most creepy an old bald doll


3 thoughts on “Can I Even Think of a Title?

  1. Well, I resemble this post. I have one that should be done but for the excess herrings and characters and trying to discover exactly where the wheels came off! I could string a row of profanity together a block long on this one. It shouldn’t be that difficult to rob a damn bank in the middle of nowhere, you know?
    Great post. Glad to see you’re alive and well.

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