A Couple and Their Kitty

Veronica has apple pie in the oven

It’s for her lover not for her coven

Sharko will be home slightly soon

Later they’ll dance under the January half moon

Then after pie and wine they’ll have them some lovin’

They have a favorite spot under a big oak

After they finish they each three cigs smoke

Ronni says Sharko that was the best ever

Sharko says at fifty I’ve been better never

She says you’re better than at twenty and that’s no joke

Ronni likes Sharko’s pecs more than his money

Days that are rainy are as great as the sunny

Ronni gifts Sharko with a library card

He loves to read the comedies written by the Bard

They read to each other in bed and the night turns to honey

During cold winter they both crave sun

They travel to Santorini to have some sexy fun

Ronni wears a blue and white bikini

Their favorite room service snack is ouzo, olives and fried zucchini

Ronni is grateful she didn’t become a nun

Sharko and Ronni return to their ranch on Spruce

In their suburban neighborhood there’s a giant house cat on the loose

She’s seven feet tall and a gorgeous grey tabby

She’s perfectly coiffed and not at all stray shabby

Ronnie loves her and feeds her special carnivore couscous

Sharko wants to adopt her but can they afford her?

And how many brushes for all her silky fur?

And so they build an addition to their house

They name her Artemis after the hunter goddess

But instead she befriends Lorraine, a tiny mouse

She keeps away annoying neighbors with her loud sing purr

The three of them make a family content

The neighborhood comes to love them though the Association’s rules are bent

No cat has ever needed a litter box so big

To scoop her poops, deep they must dig

A backhoe is required, but barely makes a dent

—– More stories of Sharko, Ronni and Lorraine to come. 😊

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