In a Still Life

Pink parchment black pen

Love words from nib swift spilled swirled

Hydrangea letter

Vintage ink newsprint

Poppies graphite line drawing

Wedding announcement

Assignation past

A romance promise unkept

Runaway bride fright

Dress sold parchment torn

Poppies drawn withered torn lace

Chamomile daisies

Time and tears years pass

Gown patched in vintage shop found

Still Life of heartbreak

Painting bright brilliant

Onyx vase poppies crimson

Gift long ago love

Gift wrapped planned meeting

A Still Life in velvet/lace

Memories repair a Still Life of


Oil on canvas, embroidery in silk,

Poppies flourish in garden, new.

Lovely Canterbury Bells. Not oil on canvas, but photo in digital.    🙂

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