Barbara and Kenneth

Barbara and Kenneth love the merry go round

And a good blues band is their best liked sound

Kenny and Barb have fun at the shore

But truly they love the forest more

Alas each Saturday they’re lake cabin bound

Barb bakes Kenny his fave pecan pie

And buys his cheap whiskey made with rye

Ken bakes for Barb much sourdough bread

And with it goes the best cheese and wine red

But foremost is that Kenny cannot tell a lie

Barb’s ex Lyle sometimes shows up

When he does it seems it’s always time for (sup)per*

Barb knows Lyle likes gin and tonic with lime

She also knows that with her he misses making time

He scores points with Barb when he brings Overton his pup

Nine pm it’s time to kick Lyle out

He can take a hint Kenny has no need to shout

Then Barb and Kenny hit their brass bed

They arise early and to work they head

When he gets home harried Kenny will tackle the shower grout

At her job Barb cleans dirty teeth

Her favorite patient is sexy tree surgeon Heath

Heath has not a single filling

Has never had a need for dental drilling

He comes to see Barb from all the way in Wren Meath

Barb asks Heath to come check out her oak tree

It’s growing too fast he should come and see

Kenny knows nothing about plants in their yard

He spends his time off reading The Bard

Heath’s got a crush on Barb so he won’t charge a fee

Many men in Greytown are in love with Barb’s smile

Her hubbs Kenny, then there’s Richie, then Rob, James and of course Lyle

There are many many many more

Barb’s one in many millions that’s the Greytown lore

And there’s a new bachelor next door young accountant Kyle

No relation to the post, just a photo of my most fabulous feline, Snickers.    🙂

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