Gems, Flavors, and Flowers

Pearls, pines, and peridots

A lovely treehouse where one can doze

– Roses, roosters, and sweet light rain

A farmhouse brass bed where one has rested, lain

– Sourdough, sweetbreads, and sparrows singing

On a countryside summer morning, no school bells ringing

– Lobelia, larkspur, and valleys of lily

Floral, fun, festive, and frilly

– Onyx, obsidian, and orange pop

A soda fountain stop, and a jewelry shop

– Marzipan, moonlight, and marcasite

Couples wed when the timing is right

– Asters, amaryllis, and azurite

Lavender, cobalt, ink, some colors of night

– Sambuca, sangria, and Sauvignon wine

Choose your cocktail, and deliciously dine

– Rubies, roses, and romance galore

Love’s in the air, forever and more

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