Birds, Books, Blooms, and Bling

These are images, pictures in words, that make me happy, and that I sometimes use to work my imagination or for writing prompts. Either that or I just enjoy thinking about them during quiet moments. 

Sweet mallard ducklings, pink peonies, Josephine Tey’s A Shilling For Candles, and a tourmaline bracelet.

Red dahlias, a ruby necklace, a strawberry finch, and Agatha Christie’s Death on the Nile.

Purple coneflower, a just fledged nuthatch, Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility, and a pearl necklace.

Anthony Horowitz’s Magpie Murders, a murder of crows, red roses and a black onyx pendant.

A copper bowl of fir cones, Rex Stout’s The Doorbell Rang, a pair of lovely goldfinches, and a pair of cognac sapphire earrings.

A raucous bluejay, or two, a barberry bush in autumn, Dorothy L. Sayer’s The Busman’s Honeymoon, and a little silver dolphin charm.

Italo Calvino’s Baron in the Trees, orange zinnias, two little dark eyed juncos searching for seeds, and a vintage seventies mood ring.

A celadon vase of pink hyacinth, a blush of robins, Guy de Maupassant’s The Necklace, and an emerald necklace.

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