Suburban Morning – Lune Ten Verses

Late spring chill

Crow conversation

Robin song

Yard work start

A leaf blower’s tune

Mow a lawn

Humans’ walks

Glad wide smiling dogs

School ending


Those Amazon vans


Yard sale prep

Things long forgotten

Wow old things

News avoid

Sun superlative

Cat happy

Morning lounge

Up and at ’em not

Failed attempt

Phone in hand

Perhaps a podcast

No doughnuts


From evergreens sing

Pines and firs

Mind working

No coffee required

Put down phone!

My suburban street


Following are a few images that make me happy. Word images, that is. Without photos I can dream my own paintings from a trio of colors, fabrics, and objects, (or creatures.) and maybe you can paint your own imaginations too?    🙂

Burgundy silk, pink tulips, Rachmaninoff,


Daisies, yellow taffeta, blue dragonfly


Spotted towhee, sound of falling water, blue linen


Robin’s egg blue, Saint-Saens, Jane Austen’s Persuasion


A cat, a sunny spot, James Herriot’s All Creatures Great and Small


A Jersey Cow, dandelions, Henry Beston’s Northern Farm


Ice blue, a city high rise apartment, Alfred Hitchcock’s film, Rear Window


A breezy, sunny day, pink gingham, Agatha Christie’s The 4:50 From Paddington


Blue dotted Swiss, Hector Berlioz, a countryside drive


Black leather gloves, a pearl necklace, Raymond Chandler’s short story, Pearls Are a Nuisance


A copper vase, red gladiolas, a missing, wildly expensive ruby ring


Dashiell Hammer’s The Maltese Falcon, a very vintage manual typewriter, a 1940s Los Angeles newspaper


A very vintage manual typewriter, a birthday gift from my husband.

Light Reunites

Moonlight sees her love, but at great


It’s winter, and she is cold;

Longs for him.

Sunlight is absent,

His work,

Intense. He will


Alas, her patience dwindles.

He is a hemisphere



Moonlight envies other


Comfortable, warm in their homes,

Sharing evening wine



Reading Joyce,


Wordsworth to

Each Other.

Some dine and dance in


They miss her love too.


Candlelight is Moonlight’s


Her magic soothes,

Brings out

Affection in hesitant humans.


The Equinox.

If Moonlight can hold on,

Her lover returns.

Intimate embrace,




Van Gogh’s ghost celebrates with


Monet’s, with water


Moonlight’s silver

Merges with Sunlight’s



Time rewards



Sunset in Wheeler, Oregon

Jealous Forest

I whisper in the


The firs,


I talk to the


An increase in my volume

I’m jealous.

They get to visit the


Sometimes the trees sleep there.

They shelter the constellations –

From Orion’s bow and


Leo, Aries, Taurus.


The pink trillium,

Envious also.

They stretch their petals

Try to increase their



The mushrooms long to go


They can only rappel.

Their underground gossip


We are thwarted, they


Why are we stunted?

They ask.


Breeze whistles.

She can go anywhere she


The tree tops,

Houses of humans,

Through windows,

French and Dutch doors left


If top is closed, go


She can’t be foiled.



Breeze visits me at my writing




She brings


Of woodland scents,

Pine pitch, a fir’s fallen

Branches that feed the forest


Their height forever



I reach for my pen.

I daydream.

I draw.

Firs that reach to Venus

Trillium that hugs Ursa Minor


A Light Tale – Not Twisty Or a Thriller

Hilda Sue loves a good spy thriller

A tale that moves at high speed and is a twisty twizzler

She reads in bed with popcorn and tea

Hubby Hal loves illustrations he can admire and see

And he prefers manga that is cool and killer

Their wedding photo is a fifty by thirty

It’s in a giant silver frame that’s polished not dirty

It hangs on the wall behind the couch

Thier love is big – for that they can vouch

They like public displays and around town are quite flirty

Hilda and Hal love their tuxedo cat Lucy

They also have beagle pup they named Moosie

Their animals have the run of the house

Moosie – not Lucy is the one who’ll catch a mouse

Hilda tells Hal they should get a duck they’ll name Goosie

Hal would love to paint their house in stripes

Like the Irish flag but they know they’ll get gripes

Hilda is orange and Hal is green

They compromise and choose white – no neighbors’ complaints and Hal is keen

When painting’s done they go camping – Hal tells Hilda tales of snipes

They decide their backyard needs a new tree

Hal hires someone to plant it – he has a bum left knee

He injured it at camp when he tried his hand at fly fishing

He wants to recover – he’s hoping and wishing

Neighbor Phil has a crush on Hilda -so he’ll be their gardener for free

Hil and Hal watch a movie on Friday night

It’s The French Connection – exciting and dangerous – not light

Hilda serves him his favorite beer and cheese

She prefers Malbec with chips and guacamole made with peas

Alas – Hal thinks this combo is kinda gross and a fright

Neighborhood trees I love.

Summer Dreams

Distant night


With nectar,

Bursting, falling.

Hummingbird sips,


Spruce high,

Her Earth home,

Wings quickened,

Tiny heart works,

Paints moonlight

Ruby, emerald, golden.

Dragonfly slumbers.

Of a longer life,


While she sleeps, darning needle

Weaves her wings with

Hoped for


Honeybees also,


Sandman sprinkles



Pines dream of a reach sky high.

An evergreen’s

Silk road

To the


Barbara and Kenneth

Barbara and Kenneth love the merry go round

And a good blues band is their best liked sound

Kenny and Barb have fun at the shore

But truly they love the forest more

Alas each Saturday they’re lake cabin bound

Barb bakes Kenny his fave pecan pie

And buys his cheap whiskey made with rye

Ken bakes for Barb much sourdough bread

And with it goes the best cheese and wine red

But foremost is that Kenny cannot tell a lie

Barb’s ex Lyle sometimes shows up

When he does it seems it’s always time for (sup)per*

Barb knows Lyle likes gin and tonic with lime

She also knows that with her he misses making time

He scores points with Barb when he brings Overton his pup

Nine pm it’s time to kick Lyle out

He can take a hint Kenny has no need to shout

Then Barb and Kenny hit their brass bed

They arise early and to work they head

When he gets home harried Kenny will tackle the shower grout

At her job Barb cleans dirty teeth

Her favorite patient is sexy tree surgeon Heath

Heath has not a single filling

Has never had a need for dental drilling

He comes to see Barb from all the way in Wren Meath

Barb asks Heath to come check out her oak tree

It’s growing too fast he should come and see

Kenny knows nothing about plants in their yard

He spends his time off reading The Bard

Heath’s got a crush on Barb so he won’t charge a fee

Many men in Greytown are in love with Barb’s smile

Her hubbs Kenny, then there’s Richie, then Rob, James and of course Lyle

There are many many many more

Barb’s one in many millions that’s the Greytown lore

And there’s a new bachelor next door young accountant Kyle

No relation to the post, just a photo of my most fabulous feline, Snickers.    🙂

In a Still Life

Pink parchment black pen

Love words from nib swift spilled swirled

Hydrangea letter

Vintage ink newsprint

Poppies graphite line drawing

Wedding announcement

Assignation past

A romance promise unkept

Runaway bride fright

Dress sold parchment torn

Poppies drawn withered torn lace

Chamomile daisies

Time and tears years pass

Gown patched in vintage shop found

Still Life of heartbreak

Painting bright brilliant

Onyx vase poppies crimson

Gift long ago love

Gift wrapped planned meeting

A Still Life in velvet/lace

Memories repair a Still Life of


Oil on canvas, embroidery in silk,

Poppies flourish in garden, new.

Lovely Canterbury Bells. Not oil on canvas, but photo in digital.    🙂

Night At the Fair

Darlene Netherwither Lane loves cotton candy

And popcorn and elephant ears it’s all quite dandy

It’s all about fun at the carnival with its food

She and husband Davis take their big brood

The tunnel of love ride makes Davis super randy

Little Cassandra likes the tilt-a-whirl best

And big eighth grade Colin loves all the rest

Nine year old Noelle enjoys the ferris wheel

Eleven years Stanley doesn’t – a little sick it makes him feel

But over all it’s a special night success

Marcia Marcia Marcia loves the blueberry pie

She has a crush on Klinger Harvey but he’s extremely shy

Colin’s in love with Klinger’s sister Cheryl

But Cheryl’s Mom tells her that Colin’s a little feral.

In this tale we can’t forget three year old sis Vi

Darlene and Davis enjoy a live band

They need help backstage so Davis gives them a hand

Darlene puts earplugs in sweet little Vi’s ears

She’s an attentive mother and drinks no beers

In the distance some see a UFO land

The band stops and people run for their cars

Two blocks away pub owners close their bars

Darlene and Davis round up their young crew

They should have stayed home – this day they will rue

They’ve locked themselves out so they descend on  neighbor Lars

Lovely Oregon sky. No UFOs to be seen.   🙂


A family moves into our old home.

Meaning, it is old in age.



Meaning it was ours when we were living.

My husband and I.

We passed away three days


A year


Still, we wander.

How do we settle in a new place after fifty

Five years


In the same


We are not


We were not in


We are not in



The new family is a couple.


Twenty years. Two daughters. One son.

The son, twelve.  Daniel.

The daughters, nine, and five. Stella and



My husband smiles. He says, darling you’ve done



I say, yes. This place was and is important to


I say, look, sweetheart. They keep our roses neatly

Trimmed. And they’ve kept the house

The Robin’s egg blue I love so.

Then I say,

The oak.

How it has grown in only one



He says, shall we go in?  They won’t see


I surprise myself by saying,



I like the outside. It’s June.


Pink, yellow, burgundy, true red.

Heavenly scent.

I can’t take one.

Against the



Darkness falls

I take in a quick shallow breath.

I can, still, though I’m no longer living.

As can


I see our little calico kitty, Charlotte in the shadows that remain. Under the blue


Madeleine, across the street, took her


I long to hold her one more time.

Husband says, sweetie. She can’t see


And I know this. We are transparent.

My heart

Breaks. I can hear it.

The sound of a small branch snapping.

A lilac branch heavy with blossoms.



I cry. Harder than I did when I was living.

In pain.

I say I only want to touch the front door of the home I love

So much.

Also, against the rules. Look, but don’t


We could enter, without

Touching.  But still


It’s too much.

Husband pulls a pair of clippers from a


I say, but Charles!

The rules!

But he walks to my favorite bush,

An antique pink, clips off a fully blossomed

Rose. Stem attached.

He says, you know, Emily, that I have never been

A strict rule


I hold it to my heart.

Sweet scent, thorns, and all.