About What Should I Write?

Sometimes, when you wake up on a Monday morning, and it’s overcast, and you want sun instead, you feel like writing a super silly rhyme story in limerick form, in maybe three verses. So, here you go. It’s kinda rainy outside, but my imagination needs an outlet inside.

Should I write about a chair?

One that’s pink with unusual flair?

Or a chair with no back that’s really a stool?

And sit on it in the morning when I eat my gruel?

Or should I write about a secret lair.. one where in private, instead of shaving my legs, I use Nair*?

What if I write about a car that’s blue?

One that’s shaped like a Mary Jane shoe?

One that reaches a super high speed?

And will let no other race car take the lead?

Or how about a bright orange flatbed that’s new?

What if I write about a dress?

One on which I’ve spilled, and made a really stained mess?

One that was ivory and now looks brown?

One that now matches my dirty tin crown

But then I could write about how I like Lima beans, I confess.

*Nair is a copyrighted, trademarked, or whatever, product, and should be utilized when you wear short shorts.

About what should I write?

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